Pre-exam Instructions:
- Your appointment is expected to last approximately 1-2 hours due to pupil dilation, vision screening and consultation.
- Dilation can last from 4-6 hours after your appointment, therefore we recommend that you bring a driver or have an alternate mode of transportation to get home. Please bring sunglasses for your comfort.
- Please bring any corrective eyeglasses with you.
- Please bring a list of current medications with you.
- If you are diabetic, please bring a snack and any medications along with you in case of increased waiting times.
- Insurance and third party form completion will be your own responsible.
- For all patients comfort, we suggest that you do not bring small children to your appointment unless necessary.
If you know what your potential diagnosis is, please feel free to print off the information sheet from our website.
Also please feel free to bring a list of questions to ask your doctor about your condition, to help you remember what you were going to ask. Please also bring a list of your current medications, so we can keep your file up to date in case of emergency. If you are diabetic, please bring a snack and eat prior to attending your appointment if you can as the wait can be from 1-3 hours depending on the day.
Our location and maps are provided here