Alberta Retina Consultants we recognize the personal impact of vision loss. We are committed to treating various retinal conditions but are also equally committed to research to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care.
We work with different types of sponsors and studies from pharmaceutical companies to University-based Research Networks and provide assistance with studies to other centers such as the Cross Cancer Institute.
Research Coordinator Heather can be reached via email at for questions regarding our current studies.
Our active studies include:
Full Title: Canadian Treat and Extend Analysis Trial with Ranibizumab
National Co-leaders Investigator: Dr. Tom Sheidow and Dr. Peter Kertes
Principle Investigator at ARC: Dr. Mark Greve
Release Date: 20-March-2013
Purpose and Rationale: This study is designed to evaluate and compare two Ranibizumab treatment regimens aimed to achieve and maintain a maximum visual function benefit. The results could be used to generate further recommendations on the timing of treatment administration for patients with neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration (w/AMD).
Objective: To sequentially compare the effectiveness of 2 treatment regimens by assessing the mean change in BCVA Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) from Baseline to Month 12.
Patients will be randomized at Baseline to 1 of 2 treatment arms
Arm 1 (Monthly): 0.5 mg intravitreal injections of Ranibizumab monthly for the duration of the study.
Arm 2 (Treated and Extend): Three consecutive months of 0.5 mg Ranibizumab intravitreal injections (Day 1, Month 1 and Month 2). Monthly injections will continue until evidence of disease stability is observed. Stability will be determined by the treating physician.
Inclusions/Exclusion Population:
- Patients 50 years of age or older
- Patients with a diagnosis of wet-AMD
- Patients with BCVA (in the study eye) between 78 and 19 letters, determined at appointment date.
The Shift 2 Study
Full Title: Use of intravitreal Aflibercept in wet AMD patients with an incomplete response to routine Ranibizumab injections.
Sponsor: Dr. Michael H. Brent, MD, FRCSC
Principal Investigators: Dr. Michael H Brent, MD, FRCSC. Dr. Rajeeve Muni MD, FRCSC
Principal Investigator at ARC: Dr. Matthew Tennant
Version Date: June 1, 2015
Hypothesis: Wet AMD patients who have incomplete response with routine Ranibizumab treatment may be better managed with Aflibercept due to the increased binding affinity and half life.
Population: Patient diagnosed with wet AMD currently on monthly Ranibizumab injection with an incomplete response. An incomplete response to Ranibizumab is defined as the presence of intra or sub retinal fluid on SDOCT despite a minimum of 3 consecutive monthly injections and no more than 24 injections maximum, with all Ranibizumab injection intervals being 35 +/- 7 days apart..
- Age >50 years
- Diagnosis of wet AMD
- Presence of intra or sub retinal fluid on SDOCT
- Current treatment with monthly Ranibizumab started at least 3 months before baseline (week 0), having received at least 3 consecutive monthly Ranibizumab injections in the previous 9 months, with no interruptions in Ranibizumab IVI monthly.
- ETDRS BCVA between 20/30 and 20/320 (letter score of 78 to 25). Determined at appointment date
Exclusions will be determined the treating physician
Full Title: Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network: Treatment for center-involved diabetic macular edema in eyes with very good visual Acuity,
Principal Investigator at ARC: Dr. Matthew Tennant
Version Date: April 18, 2014
Objective: To compare the safety and efficacy of prompt focal/grid photocoagulation + deferred intravitreal anti-VEGF, observation + defferred intravitreal anti-VEGF, and prompt intravitreal anti-VEGF in eyes with center-involved DME and good visual acuity defined as a Snellen equivalent of 20/25 or better (electronic-ETDRS letter score of 79 or better).
- Age >=18 years
- Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetic
- Ophthalmoscopic evidence of center-involved DME in study eye confirmed on OCT at two consecutive visits within 1-18 days.
- Best corrected visual acuity letter score in study in study eye > 79 (approximate Snellen equivalent 20/25 or better) at two consecutive visits within 1 to 28 days.
- No history of prior laser or other surgical, intravitreal, or peribulbar treatment for DME in the study eye within the prior 12 months.
Full title: Ultrasound biomicroscopic analysis of the scleral fixated intraocular lens;
Identifying properties influencing cystoid macular edema and visual acuity
Principal investigator: Dr. Riz Somani
Significance of study: Cystoid macular edema following IOL surgery can lead to visual loss. Unlike standard cataract surgery where CME may be self limited, CME associated with SFIOL may be chronic and challenging to treat. Identifying SFIOL properties that predispose to CME will help decrease its incidence by guiding new variations to surgical techniques.
Research Objective: To identify SFIOL properties that predispose eyes to develop CME using UBM.
Hypothesis: Haptics that are positioned outside the ciliary sulcus increase the incidence of CME.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age range: 18- 90 years
- Patient must have had SFIOL surgery and follow-up for at least 6 months
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pre-operative history of open globe injury
- Pre-operative history of retinal break or detachment (I don’t think we should exclude this
- Pre-operative history of vitreous retinal disease
- Pre-operative history of vitrectomy (should not exclude)
- Pre-operative history of eye disease that has required retinal laser photocoagulation, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy or cryopexy (remove)
- Intraoperative retinal detachment
- Evidence of clinically significant diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, wet macular degeneration
Full title: Distinguishing demographic, clinical and EDI-OCT characteristics between central serous retinopathy (CSR) and choroidal neovascularization (CNV).
Primary objective: To determine factors including demographic, clinical and EDI-OCT that distinguish CSR from CNV to develop a simple algorithm to identify CSR masquerading as CNV.
Inclusion criteria:
- Patients referred for CSR, CNV, new patient whose OCT demonstrates signs of CSR or CNV
- Existing patients whose OCT demonstrates signs of new CSR or CNV
Exclusion criteria:
- Previous treatment for CSR
- Previous treatment for AMD (other than AREDS sup)
- Retinal dystrophy
- Visual axis opacity preventing EDI-OCT
- Patient factors preventing EDI-OCT